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Writer's pictureStudent Life

Be Safe. Be Bright.

With the time change upon us, it is darker earlier in the evening, so help us keep our community fully illuminated. A well-lighted campus makes for a safer environment. Report common area and outdoor light outages or any other hazardous conditions immediately to Campus Security at 303-961-1184. Faculty and staff can report these issues by making a work order request through Maintenance Direct.

Crimes of Opportunity

Over 70% of car break-ins, auto thefts and burglaries are preventable if valuables are removed and vehicle doors are locked. If you notice anything suspicious like people pulling on door handles or looking into parked cars, contact DenSem security if you are on-campus or contact your local police department if you are at home.

Here are some tips that may prevent you from becoming a victim:

  • Always roll up your windows and lock your vehicle doors when parked.

  • Remove valuables when parking for long periods. Parking overnight at home or in parking lots such as the airport, sporting venues or when out for dinner are when thieves have the longest opportunity to act.

  • Hide valuables. When parking while running errands, packages and bags with store logos can be inviting targets. Secure them in the trunk or cover them.

  • Put vehicle accessories like handicap placards or radar detectors in the glove box or console when not in use. These items are frequent targets for thieves.

  • Whenever possible, park your vehicle(s) in a closed and locked garage or in a well-lit area.

  • Lock your vehicle doors and remove personal belongings, even when parking in a secured garage or gated parking. Thieves know that most people think a garage is a safe place, and therefore will leave their valuables inside unlocked vehicles.

  • Remove documents with personal identifying information. Do you have receipts in your vehicle with your name, address, and phone number? Do not provide criminals with your home address.

  • Remove your garage door opener when parked away from or outside of your home. Thieves have been known to steal your garage door opener and registration receipts with your home address and then return later to burglarize your home.

Contact DenSem Security at 303-961-1184 immediately if you see suspicious activity, witness a crime or feel threatened. Call 911 for emergencies, then call seminary security.

Remember: “If you see something, say something!”


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