Meet Natasha Smith
Natasha Smith is a student in the Old Testament program here at Denver Seminary.
Her passion is helping individuals recognize the practical value of the Old Testament in their everyday life. Understanding the story of scripture reveals not only who God is, but who we are and how we should care for the world around us.
Natasha works full time for a Colorado Springs based non-profit called Save the Storks. Their mission is to help pregnancy centers reach women facing unplanned pregnancies with hope and support. They do this through mobile medical units which extend a pregnancy center’s ability to offer free ultrasounds and pregnancy tests to their communities. Without judgment, shame, or a political approach, Storks offer a refreshing, compassionate way to engage within the pro-life movement. The fact is that when women know their lives are valued, they often are empowered to value the little life within them.
The Old Testament scriptures, especially the implications of Imago Dei, are the foundation for her work within the pro-life movement. And it is from the Old Testament that she argues that we must care for the most vulnerable in our society – not only the unborn but also women facing unplanned pregnancies.
Natasha produces documentaries and videos on pregnancy centers and stories of women who once faced the very difficult reality of an unplanned pregnancy and how they chose life. These videos can be seen on Save the Storks’ YouTube channel. She is also the co-author of Unplanned Grace: A Compassionate Conversation about Love and Choice set to release September 1, 2021. This book offers the church a holistic perspective on how the body of Christ can better reflect the Father’s heart to women, men and their unborn babies in their local community.
Outside of work and school, Natasha also has a passion for mentorship and has served on seasonal staff for Summit Ministry’s gap-semester program, Summit Semester, in Pagosa Springs, CO. She also is an avid hiker and backpacker, enjoying anything that includes mountains, tents and bonfires. Natasha is a professional wedding, portrait and landscape photographer (@nasfocus). Her art is inspired by Francis Schaffer’s belief that good art should always point people toward the transcendent beauty that reflects its creator and showcase that which is most true. The truth that life, beauty, and wonder exist as gracious gifts for us to protect and enjoy.