Students for the Advancement of Bible Translation
The Denver Seminary Student Group on Bible Translation will be kicking off our second semester of meetings on Wednesday, January 31st at 12:00pm, where we'll be joined in-person by Ed and Linda Speyers. In their 48-year history with Wycliffe the Speyers have served in Suriname, South America as Bible translators from 1979-1999 and since then in the Recruitment Department of Wycliffe USA.The Speyers will be discussing their lives and experiences as Bible translators, as well as a pilot program Wycliffe has launched to train seminary graduates in translation consulting to help with a growing need for Biblical exegetical experts and Bible translation consultants around the world.If you're interested in pursuing a role in Bible translation, or are just interested in what is happening in the field, please come join us in room EBR A on the second floor of the Graber Administration building.
If you are interested but cannot attend in person, please join us on ZOOM at .
Lunch will be provided. We need a headcount for food planning, so if you plan to attend in person please contact Jason Kratz at